Stories of people inspired by Tricia’s and OM Therapeutics’ practices for maintaining health and improving vitality. These practices have been used to relieve pain, prevent and treat illness, reduce stress and to integrate mind, body, and spirit.

You need Healthy Back and Bones Yoga with Tricia!
Wherever you are in your yoga journey, Tricia’s yoga practice will leave you feeling more relaxed, happier and stronger. I started Tricia’s class after a herniated disc caused intense sciatic pain down my leg. I was so surprised at how much better I felt within weeks of taking her class. Tricia emphasizes the power of the breath and explains the physiological benefits of each pose. She also gives modifications depending on your ailments or abilities. I live a better, stronger life thanks to the techniques I have learned through Tricia’s yoga class. I recommend her class to all of my friends (and now to you!) -in pain or not.
~Tara S.

It is hard to put into words how Tricia Miller changed my life. I found her at the YMCA in Wilmington, NC leading a healthy back and bone class. At the time I was new to Wilmington after a lifetime in a suburb of New York City. After many years of commuting to NY and hours of air travel throughout the USA for work, my body was out of alignment. I was having many hip and back issues. Tricia’s teaching style is very effective. She teaches in a very safe way and adjusts to all levels. Everyone in the class is welcome and appreciated. I found the class and her way of teaching very gentle on my body and healing.
Attending Tricia’s class started me on the road to recovery, better body alignment and less pain.
I started seeing Tricia as a client for acupuncture on an episodic basis after my attempts at chiropractic medicine failed.
She was a lifesaver. Not only does she have a soothing spirit and emotional connection to all beings, but her hands-on approach to acupuncture and massage has turned my physical and emotional life around. After my mother passed away four years ago I started seeing Tricia on a regular basis. After sitting with my Mom at hospice for 2 months, I was in need of Tricia like never before. She is a comfort and healing expert and encourages a healthy lifestyle with a wholistic approach. Her use of essential oils and her healing hands enhances the experience of acupuncture.
I have developed a deep appreciation for the person and professional that Tricia is. She keeps my body in alignment, improves my spirit and keeps good energy flowing.
She is kind, caring and offers help in a non-judgmental way.
She has made a difference in my life and the lives of many others.
~Toni R.

I first went to Healthy Back & Bones after I had my stroke.
I had no strength or feeling in my left arm.
I go to class and explain my situation to Tricia. Her response… “You can do this.”
I could not do a plank, Tricia started me bending my arm a little at a time.
Before I knew it I could put weight on the arm and I could do a plank. I cannot feel in the arm, but it has muscle. My back is stronger and I am sooo much more flexible.
I love the class and the teacher!
~Donna G.

Seven years ago, I was fortunate to cross paths with Tricia while in the throws of a complicated health crisis. Tricia was adamant that I make it a priority to attend her local Healthy Back & Bones yoga class, promising me that it would change my life.
I was one among a large group of participants who filled Tricia’s classes week in and week out. She has a rhythmic voice and style of instruction that puts a first timer at ease while gently challenging the more seasoned participant – meeting each one where they are. Tricia’s background, wisdom, personal practices, energy, encouragement and genuine desire to help others heal and reach their full potential has been a gift to me personally and many, many others in our community.
I’m grateful I heeded her advice; she was absolutely correct! Yoga changed my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined!
~Lisa R.